Anders Bobert Fotograf
Read Kyrre Sundal’s interview on Architecture Photography Almanac:
Anders Bobert – Architectural photographer in Stockholm
My name is Anders Bobert, a freelance photographer with a passion for architectural photography, based in Stockholm. Explore my portfolio to see some of my best work samples.
The architecture we see around us today is often experienced through images. We can all recognize iconic buildings even if we’ve never visited them in person, thanks to the photos we’ve seen. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to have high-quality images of the architectural projects that are created.
Growing up in a home influenced by my father’s passion for architecture leaves its mark. The circle of people around the family consisted of many colleagues and friends who during countless dinners and parties loudly talked about Gaudi’s Barcelona, Haussmann’s Paris and Sweden before and after the epoch-making Stockholm exhibition 1930. Modernism in all its forms and the shapes and properties of buildings became my childhood. When I then started traveling and got to experience all these fantastic buildings and urban spaces myself, it felt like being home.
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree and I also went to the School of Architecture at KTH in Stockholm.
Presentation technology and images became a great interest and a lot of time was spent in the computer room. It was often a more stimulating challenge to achieve a realistic wooden floor in the 3D applications than thinking about how to construct an outer wall. The latter is not uninteresting, but the possibilities of rendering programs interested more.
The interest in photography has always been there. Creating images through lighting, different shutter speeds and apertures and then in a dark room seeing the image develop on the paper was magic. Today, the processes are replaced by the endless possibilities of digital tools.
During my studies at KTH, I and some fellow students became involved in our own companies Impasto and Jagular, companies that helped architects and developers illustrate planned buildings and building environments with the help of computers. In the year 2000 I helped start the visualization group at Sweco Architects and in 2008 I started at White Arkitekter in their visualization group White view.
During a workshop in architectural photography in Barcelona, we were a group of photographers who photographed buildings all day in order to receive criticism and good advice from Åke E:son Lindman the morning after. At this and a subsequent workshop, the enormous possibilities that exist around architectural photography were opened up. Being able to give life to a building and its environment in a way that actually does it justice is invaluable for architects, builders, property owners and not least for those who will use the building.
Interest and activity have grown and my photos have been published in the magazine Arkitektur, Arkitekten, Rum, Archdaily, MIA, Resumé, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Byggindustrin, Fastighetstidningen, Wood Magazine and others. I have also participated with more than 50 images in the book ”BoStad” by Mats Egelius, a number of images in the book Make Sense and also several images in the Whitebook.
About 30 images of Norra Tornen in the book ”Best highrises 2020/21” from Deutches Architecturmuseum